Psychiatric misdiagnosis: delusional disorder
There is a long history of psychiatric “mis” diagnosis in my records. As I’ve said earlier, I think that there should be another word for what I’m seeing – something like disdiagnois, because the prefix “mis” implies there’s a mistake, while “dis” conveys a destructive or damaging intent, and by now, after seven years of unsuccessful attempts at reasonable remedy through administrative processes, it’s very clear to me that there is malicious intent at work – that the misdiagnoses in my charts are part of an inchoate malfeasance cover up.
Generally speaking, it appears that there is an intent to create a sort of personality profile through these medical charts. This effort is aided by my persistent need to seek medical care. My claim is this necessity is 100% the result of biomedical attack through piezo-electrical implant networks. Without these biomedical attacks, I would require only most basic maintenance-based medical care. What ends up happening, is every doctors office or hospital emergency room visit offers a new opportunity to paint an unflattering portrait. Over the past decade or so I’ve seen words like “anxious, anxiety, anxiety state, depression, bipolar, psychosis, hallucinations, paranoid, paranoid delusions, shouting, histrionic, poorly-groomed” and lots of misquotes in my records – varying from quotes (literally in quotation marks) attributed to me that have information added, deleted or otherwise changed to spin the meaning in a direction that is misleading, to complete fabrications, to – most bizarrely, and tellingly – a quote in the Adventist record from January 20, 2014 that was something I said at home, in private, but definitely not to the doctor. (It might be worth looking more deeply into this particular quote and why it may have gone into the record).
By now the doctors seem to have settled on a single misdiagnosis, one that I suspect was part of the plan going back decades or longer (as this medical abuse and murder system appears to be very old) – and that is “delusional disorder.” There’s a pretty obvious motivation for this, if you look at the nature of the accusations I’m making, and who the potential defendants are.
It’s hard to get very deep into this while also avoiding getting very “meta” about the nature and history of the field of psychology and psychological diagnoses, and how psychology is presented to the world as a benevolent and reliable analytical science versus how it seems to be used by the medical community around me – as an endlessly malleable weapon of defamation. But I’ll try my best to avoid that discussion and stick to the guidance provided by the most up to date version of the Diagnostic Standards Manual (DSM) – the authoritative guide to the diagnosis of mental disorders in the U.S.
But before doing that I do think it’s worth noting a few things. First, that the DSM is not a stone tablet of mental health diagnoses handed down by God. It is a manual which was first published in 1952 and which seems to have evolved from World War II era US Navy and US Army guidelines used to evaluate soldiers’ fitness for duty. And it was arguably always problematic, with, for example, homosexuality listed as a form of sociopathy. Second, the DSM has (fortunately) gone through a number of significant revisions over the years (homosexuality is no longer seen as a mental illness). Third, it should be noted that the DSM is a publication of the American Psychiatric Association and that at the time of its first publishing, 1952, that organization was headed by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron. This coincided with – and Cameron was central to – the early days of the CIA and the mind control/behavior modification/biological warfare programs they were running under the Bluebird/Artichoke/Naomi/MK-ULTRA umbrellas. This should serve as a reminder that a psychiatrist can be both powerful and highly respected and deeply problematic (see also: Dr. David Pollack). Fourth – and this one is my personal observation – there is a lot that is hidden, covered up, or alluded to only in coded language (numerology, especially) in the DSM. This is not insignificant. But generally speaking, all throughout this manual (and in a lot of media, generally), there is a subtle “teaching you how to think” and showing you where to look, and probably more importantly, where not to look. In other words, I’m making the claim that mind control techniques, including misdirection, are interwoven throughout the DSM itself – something that’s REALLY worth deeper exploration and and analysis.
That said, the DSM is the tool we have to work with. It is the agreed-upon manual of standards for psychiatric diagnoses. The current version is the DSM-V. According to my records – and as one doctor pointed out – in the opinion of several doctors (allegedly – I actually do not think these doctors are forming their own opinions) – I have “delusional disorder” numbered 297.1 (F22) in the DSM-V (p 90). There are a number of requirements for this diagnosis, lettered A-E, most of them having to do with eliminating other diagnoses which involve delusions, such as schizophrenia. The key component of the delusional disorder diagnosis is simple, clear, and listed under letter A – in order to have delusional disorder, a person must have “one (or more) delusions with a duration of 1 month or longer.” So according to all these doctors, I have delusions which have lasted 1 month or longer. The next obvious question is what, precisely, is the definition of a delusion? Delusions are defined on the introductory page for Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders. This alone is worth noting – that these doctors are all claiming that I am literally psychotic.
Delusions are defined as “fixed beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence.” (p 87) The definition itself is concise but followed up with a number of examples, several of which run troublingly parallel to real things that happen linked to covert military-linked technology and activities. That’s what I mean about the DSM showing you how to think, and where to look, and where not to look. Delusional disorder is not the diagnosis with these issues. Others that immediately come to mind include schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, and dissociative disorders. Again, this is an in-depth analysis and truth telling that really needs to happen but this is not the time or place.
For the record the definition of a delusion has also changed somewhat from version to version of the DSM, with the primary difference (as far as I can tell) being that the definition in the DSM-V (published May 18, 2013) has a little loophole allowing that a delusional belief may or may not be “false.” The focus is on evidence.
In essence, the claim at hand is that I, Erika Katrin Meyer, possess fixed beliefs that are not amenable to change in light of conflicting evidence.
I have always countered this that I’m not describing beliefs but evidence-based allegations. And then I have consistently and repeatedly presented evidence in support of my allegations. And doctors have consistently and repeatedly obstructed or avoided dealing with this. I have had doctors
- refuse to look at photographic evidence
- dispute little parts of my presented evidence as being arguably something different while refusing to look at context or patterns
- claim that because they are not scientifically qualified to evaluate certain types of evidence, it’s not actually evidence
- claim that my experiences (even if documented or consistent in nature) are subjective and therefore not evidence
- make arguments that are both weak and circular (many doctors say this is so, therefore it is so)
- when they do take the time look at my evidence, consistently refuse to refute that evidence with conflicting evidence – or even to ask for further clarifications, assuming they have some question about the veracity of what I’ve presented
And the misdiagnosis stays in my chart. This misdiagnosis is hardly benign. It has been used consistently by doctors and by police to justify dismissive and obstructive behaviors when I try to address medical conditions or crime. The involvement of police with this is a bit confusing and I’ve tried to get clarification from them about whether they have accessed my medical records in some way, or why specifically they don’t listen to evidence I have about crimes (including murder) or take reports from me, much less investigate the crimes that I report. I mean, I think what is going on is that there is essentially a cabal at work – that police and doctors are working together, likely on behalf of a larger system of financial malfeasance – that’s where things seem to be pointing – but I can’t prove it. In some ways, the silence of police and FBI speaks volumes.
Thus, part of what I’m doing with this website is presenting evidence publicly, in hopes of eliciting some action from a group that can see the larger implications at work, and who may be equipped to help me in some way. So my evidence – not all of it, but a significant amount – is being cataloged on this website. But what about the evidence that I have delusions?
I don’t think there ever was a solid case made about me having delusions, or why it was alleged that I had them. The earliest incidence I can find of this in my medical records is in Dr. Pollack and Devarajan’s highly fictionalized notes from February 3, 2014. To clarify – at this session, Dr Pollack asked all the questions while Dr Devarajan took notes. In these notes they write “We are very concerned about the acute psychosis this patient seems to be manifesting. Fixed delusions, pressured speech regarding ideas that her websites are hacked.” This is after the paragraph reporting that I had presented “rather clear evidence that a number of websites of hers have been hacked and that she believes a complex conspiracy is being directed towards her in a malevolent way.” This is only one of a number of bizarre contradictions in the report – how is it that I could present evidence of something, and that then become evidence that I am delusional? Given, this was still the DSM-IV era when delusions were defined as false beliefs due to incorrect inference about external reality. So what the psychiatrists may have been arguing was not that the claim of hacking was delusional, but that my inference (which was based on far more than hacking) that there was a conspiracy at work was an “incorrect inference about external reality.” In order for this diagnoses to be correct, all of my perceptions about what had been happening during that period of time would have had to have been false.
The truth is, the Pollack report is an extremely fictionalized account, that, despite the negative experience of the visit itself, I didn’t catch on to or address quickly or decisively enough, in part because I was confused by the behavior of these doctors being as I never had detected any reason prior to January of 2014 that I should be suspicious of doctors generally in terms of intent or integrity – and in part because I was experiencing so much bullying, controlling, and threatening behavior from the community at large. I had hoped that this period of time was an outlier, and that things would normalize. Instead what happened is this all appears to have been a paving of the way for worse and worse crimes to occur, including several medical based murders – arguably thousands of murders – but certainly a dozen or more.
The next instance of this diagnosis appearing in my medical records occurred the following day, on February 4, 2014. It’s worth noting why all these doctor visits were occurring. The reason was that I was so horrified by what had happened in Sacramento, and prior to that in Portland, and the potentially false profile it might be creating about me, I thought that the best thing I could do would be to visit the clinic I trusted and get a more sober analysis of the situation. Obviously, that’s not at all what happened, but after the Pollack visit I still thought I could get an unbiased assessment from my primary care physician. That turned out to be a false belief which later changed in light of conflicting evidence. However, Dr. Brian Frank approached the whole thing differently than Dr Pollack in that he was more deceptive. I remember this visit quite well because there were a number of bizarre things going on at the time, and it would be worth describing in more detail elsewhere, but my overall sense of Dr. Frank is that he was not operating independently at all, and never was. While the circumstances around the February 4 visit with Dr. Frank were strange, he himself behaved in a reassuring manner. Thus, when I eventually obtained my medical records, I got quite a surprise. In the record, not only had Dr. Frank expressed agreement with the delusional diagnosis, but I learned that he had been putting other types of psychological diagnoses into my records for sometime before this, none of which was to my recollection put into my after visit summaries or shared with me. In any case, the entire basis for this diagnosis seems to have been claims made about computer webcams being hijacked, websites being hacked, and associated allegations.
I think it’s worth asking why, if these doctors believed that I was making incorrect inferences or had beliefs that were not evidence based, they didn’t ask me for more support or provide plausible alternative explanations for what I’d been experiencing (though what those alternative explanations could be, I don’t know).
I am currently in the process of re-requesting medical records, in order to get a better view of how the delusional disorder diagnosis morphed over time, but my recollection is that at first it did not consistently appear in my records. I’ll have to confirm this. What did happen is that I was under the impression – another false belief, as it turns out – that I could solve my problems by switching providers. As I’ve mentioned before, I had been keeping meticulous track of my medical records in paper form, arranged at first in file folders, and then, when those were consistently accessed and disrupted, into a system of binders (as if that would help). The binders were also accessed and the records simply removed. So I’m back to requesting records again. But what happened was that due to these kinds of issues, I switched providers several times between 2010 and 2020. The issues were at first not about misdiagnosis but about pain management.
Generally speaking, however, it seems like the idea that I had a delusional disorder was on the back burner for a period of time, but brought front and center again when I began to show evidence of biomedical implants. So basically, the allegation I’m making is that in my case – and I suspect in other cases as well – delusional disorder is used as a cover for malfeasance and crimes enacted through medical systems. These seem to be crimes related to nonconsensual human subjects research linked to among other things, covert weapons development, and what can only be called a system of exploitation, trafficking, and literal slavery linked to this activity. A lot of this has to do with control, including the control of media and the celebrity system, which is in part why I think there has been such intense involvement with entertainment companies such as record labels. It’s also increasingly clear that doctors and researchers are themselves subjects of control, though all of this is underground and illegal.
The main point to make here is that the allegation that I have persistent false beliefs unalienable to change in light of conflicting evidence and therefore suffer from “delusional disorder” is and always was based on incredibly weak or even non-existent evidence. The evidence used in support of the allegation has morphed from my claims of “computer hacking” and/or “allegations of conspiracy” to the allegations about biomedical implants, though it seems very important to all these doctors to emphasize this notion that I believe I am being “persecuted,” am the subject of a “nefarious plot,” and so on. None of this is literally untrue – it’s just that my allegations are evidence-based, and that is the key thing. My allegations are evidence-based.