Dr Warrington visit to discuss presentation of evidence related to biomedical implants and directed energy weapons 3/26/2022

This visit is, and most subsequent visits are, labeled on the charts “ambulatory crisis visit” for reasons unknown to me. It’s not necessarily incorrect, but it was not scheduled as an urgent visit, and other than my intent to move forward, the visits marked “crisis” were not materially different from other visits where I was dealing with issues related to biomedical implants.

My intent with this visit was to continue to move forward with my plan for presenting Dr Warrington with evidence to support the claims I’d been making so that he could examine it, ask pertinent questions, and help me address the issue. In the visit I mention making him a partner on my Google account, which I ultimately did not do, opting instead to create and share with him individual publicly accessable links for each of the albums.

During the discussion, I told Dr Warrington about the work I’d done trying to see what more I could learn about what looks like a patch-shaped implant in the tooth 14 cavity, and specifically the experience at Roots Dental. I told him that I’m concerned about the discussions that happen outside the offices (for example, the dentists reaching out to him, or later it would be him asking biomedical researchers to contact him, rather than me or him or me). I’d mentioned this concern to him a few times before – basically that I don’t really want my medical history, conditions, or alleged conditions to be discussed, generally, without me being involved, or being asked, or knowing who is taking part in the discussion.

His response – “This is, I think, a large issue of how we ask for help, or how you engage with other folks… I believe the dentist was alarmed at the content of what you were concerned about, and was, like, ‘what’s going on here’… he was worried about are you crazy or not, in terms of what you’re describing… was this a delusion? And the quandary is, once there’s kind of a delusional situation, they back off entirely and don’t want to engage.”

I ask him, “what was it specifically that alarmed him?” and Dr Warrington responds “I think it was the notion of implantable devices” and I say “I don’t think I said anything like that to him.”

I say that I’ve had two visits with that particular dentist (Dr Dickenson), but in reality, the second visit wasn’t supposed to involve the dentist at all. It was just supposed to be an x-ray for me to use elsewhere. However, as noted earlier, Dr Dickenson became engaged in the situation.

Conversation then moves to finding biomedical researchers, preferably in the local area. I mention that I want people to be skeptical and ask questions.

To clarify – as I said earlier – it’s appropriate to be appropriately skeptical, and to ask questions in order to better ascertain the truth of something. Scientific skepticism is when one questions the veracity of claims lacking empirical evidence, or when the evidence itself is questioned.

Warrington "crisis visit" chart notes 1

It follows that it’s not appropriate to be skeptical if you’ve been presented with a wealth of evidence to support a claim, evidence which you do not even try to refute.Scientific skepticism is supposed to be a way of objectively ascertaining reality, not an obstruction technique.

It may have made sense for Dr Warrington to be skeptical at this point, but after he’d seen my full set of photographs, he should either have asked me follow up questions so that I could further support or clarify what I was showing and how it related to my claims, or, if he had nothing to ask, he should not have reasonably moved out of the skeptics camp.

This behavior – never moving out of the skeptics camp, insisting that I don’t have enough evidence, or that the evidence is not the right kind of evidence, blaming me or my alleged “behavior” for the lack of response – is not limited to any single doctor, it’s a pattern.

I told Dr Warrington that I will have something to present at the end of the week, hoping he could respond back with additional questions, concerns, ideas 1-2 weeks later. In reality, it looks like it took me until May 9 to complete the archive on the Google Drive, set up the links, and compose a letter with supplemental information about the albums.

web page updated 26 August 2022