Category skin damage
Frequency weapons visible injuries – May 2018
Visible injuries on face, eyes, skin damage
Frequency weapons visible injuries – April 2018
Increasing burns, rashes on arms face, eyebrows, mouth, going up my arms, strange effects to skin
Mult Co East County Clinic visit for skin issues 4/4/2018
On April 4, 2018 I was still at East County Clinic, but I saw a different provider, Filza Akhtar, DO. This was one day after my cat Lion had been killed with a directed energy weapon. It is also when…
frequency weapons visible injuries – March 2018
March 1-31, 2018 burns, rashes, cracked peeling skin on hands, face, beginning to involve neck Ambient electromagnetic fields were also elevated throughout our apartment during this time period. The following captures are from March 27, 2018. Normal levels in this…
frequency weapons visible injuries – January 2018
January 2018 injuries to hands and face
August 2017 photos – marks on skin
Some of these freckles were lined up in a straight, evenly spaced line. Others appeared in other seemingly deliberate-looking constellations, like the triangle shape near my mouth. The photo of my finger shows that there were also not just freckles appearing on my fingers, but small mysterious scars appeared on the backs of my hands and on each finger.