Follow up with Dr Warrington 7/27-7/31/2022
Psychological defamation
Recording of this visit also seems to be missing. My recollection is that this had been scheduled as an in-person visit that Dr Warrington requested be virtual. This seems to be the final visit before Dr Warrington went on a…
I continued to have a tremendous amount of discomfort and the sense of being hit with frequency weapons, now mostly behind tooth 15. To be clear, the way the weapons seem to work is similar to any wireless device like…
Here is the video from the visit Here are the chart notes. These notes, succinct as they are, still get things (other than the contested diagnosis) wrong, including the pull quote. What I said at the end of the visit…
By this point, because of the extraordinary situation I was in – a life endangering conspiracy involving hospitals and persistently falsified medical records – I was recording all my medical visits, as is my right under ORS 165.540(5)(a). However, out…
A few things about this. First, the purpose of this website is to establish that I have been subjected to a pervasive pattern of malfeasance and medical abuse, in order to have this issue addressed. At this point, the only…
My initial efforts to address the biomedical implants efforts with doctors were in late 2017, after I’d been able to confirm the presence of wireless signals coming from my body and dental work with the Aceco FC-6002-MKII RF tracer. This…
In 2016, after OHSU refused to correct falsehoods in my medical records, I tried to find another health care provider that I could work with. In this effort, I returned briefly to the Multnomah County Health Department East County clinic…
It is really clear beyond clear that my mother was part of a bigger take-down operation aimed at me, that she either had marching orders from another entity, or had planned the operation with another entity, or both. I say…