Category medical


Our cat, Lion, is killed with biomedical implant, directed energy weapon

Lion 2017
I was treating Lion for the hyperthyroidism and she was getting better, when suddenly, on April 2, 2018, she started gasping for breath. It was as if her automatic breathing system had been shut down and she was forced to consciously breathe. This was extremely disturbing and she was very distressed. Outside, someone had thrown black gloves near a black car.

Severe sore throat, red blistery rash, laryngitis, mucus, periodic poking sensations as if from wires arched over throat, demonstrated detection of frequencies in/around throat – diagnosed in ER as delusions 11/8/2017

attempt to photograph throat where there is a red blistery rash

8 November 2017 A lot of what went on here fit a typical pattern in which the severe symptoms I was experiencing were minimized and even called “delusions” – and this bizarre pattern where when doctors start describing what they…