Category wireless frequency weapons
frequency weapons visible injuries – January 2018
Severe sore throat, red blistery rash, laryngitis, mucus, periodic poking sensations as if from wires arched over throat, demonstrated detection of frequencies in/around throat – diagnosed in ER as delusions 11/8/2017
8 November 2017 A lot of what went on here fit a typical pattern in which the severe symptoms I was experiencing were minimized and even called “delusions” – and this bizarre pattern where when doctors start describing what they…
Use of FC-6002 MKII frequency tracer to locate signals from biomedical implants
Purchase of Aceco FC 6002 MKII 1MHz-6GHz frequency tracer 10/2017
October 5, 2017 I had been trying to figure out how to do a frequency tracing, either via a professional (ideally police or FBI), or with professional equipment, since January 2014. In September 2015 I asked to borrow some money…
Multnomah County Health Department – Sara Mitenbuler – 9/2016 – 9/2017
In 2016, after OHSU refused to correct falsehoods in my medical records, I tried to find another health care provider that I could work with. In this effort, I returned briefly to the Multnomah County Health Department East County clinic…
August 2017 photos – marks on skin
Possible second attempt to contact FBI (2017)
2017? In 2020 or 2021 I found a document addressed to the FBI and dated sometime in spring 2017 in which I had either drafted or completed a complaint to the FBI, probably about the directed energy weapons attacks I…
Beginning to notice drone activity – May 2017
May 24-July 17 2017 I had noticed unusual aircraft behavior as early as summer 2014 after we’d moved into this apartment, at first mostly in the form of hearing small planes buzzing low over our apartment while we were inside.…
May 2017 directed energy attacks notes
May 1 – May 22, 2017 May 1, 2017 3-4 am faint high pitch sound like tinnitus but pulsing. Esp left ear. 2-3 pm hands shaky sore throat neck ears jaw fingertips racing heart feel like I’ve been bludgeoned &…