July 30, 2020 12:43pm phone call to Portland FBI I try to describe what is going on, and the dispatch agents hang up on meJuly 30, 2020 12:58 phone call to Portland FBI – Sometimes my audio recordings get trimmed by an outside hand. I suspect that may have happened here. My recollection is the way this call ended was that while I was on hold waiting to speak to the agent, Providence Hospital called in and the call to the FBI was simultaneously dropped. July 30, 2020 1pm phone call to Portland FBI – at 4:06 I say “This is a federal crime” and the agent hangs up on me.
I had been in the Emergency Room at Providence Hospital earlier that day. I ended up in emergency care on July 30, August 8, August 10, and August 17, had called EMTs I believe three times, and had to travel to hospital in ambulance twice, all because of frequency based attacks to my heart.
Photo of Providence Portland taken 5:48 am July 30, 2020